Friday, November 25, 2011

Soundtrack Design

This is a screenshot of Logic 8, the software I use to make the soundtrack. Tracks are structured to being in different instruments as the song progresses. This helps the music sound less repetitive.

Today I had a rough draft of the music done. I decided to use all percussion for now. This blends with the style and the location of the animation. Because a lot of it is set in ancient times, I didn't want the music to have too much of a modern feel and have electronic instruments.

I used Logic Pro to put the track together. Logic has a handy feature where you can drop a movie in to the programme and you can time your music to the film. In this case I used the animatic for a rough guide on the timing. There are 3 stages to the animation - where the kid is running out of the house to begin his run, the race section and then the finish on the podium. Because of that I wanted to do three musical sections that go with each part and designed the music around this.

In previous projects I have made my visuals match the audio so that it would be easier to mix the two. For example, I would cut scenes together to match the beat of the music. However, with this project because I am working with someone else's timing it has been a challenge to design music in time with the animatic. I'm not entirely happy with my first soundtrack so I'm going to change it to suit the timing more. I've also found that the animatic is evolving and changing slightly every week. This is a useful challenge to design music around as it is similar to the workplace environment where project work is constantly evolving.

You can hear the track here:

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